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How Long Do Beagles Sleep? : The Restful Guide


Okay, I have to admit. I’m completely jealous that my beagle gets to sleep seemingly for hours on end without interruption. Garage door goes up? Still asleep. Hurricane touches down? Still asleep. What gives?! Which brings up the basic question: How long do beagles sleep?

Beagles adults are very fortunate in that they typically sleep between 10 to 12 hours per day. If I try that, I’ll wake up feeling overly tired or feeling like I’ve slept my day away. Beagle puppies, however, will if you can believe this one — usually sleep between 18-20 hours per day.

Factors That Affect The Amount Of Sleep Your Beagle Needs

How Old Are They?

When your beagle puppy is aged between 0 to1.5 years old, they will require between 18 and 20 hours of sleep. Their diminutive bodies need this R&R to allow them to grow into stronger adult beagles. On the polar side of the spectrum,  when your beagle is over the age of 8 years old; you may observe them resting more as they may be slowing down slightly. Then again, I’ve seen senior beagles that are just as active at 15+ years, as they were at 15 months. Young adult and middle-aged adult beagles sleep on average between 10 and 12 hours of sleep daily.

How Active Are They?

If your beagle is likely to be running aimlessly outside in your fenced-in yard, in hot pursuit of whatever their nose catches; likely they will expend much more energy than their more sedentary counterparts. Accordingly, the more energy expended, the more sleep they’ll need to properly recover for the next round.

How Heavy Are They?

All of us know that our beagles can be bottomless pits, when it comes to their ravenous appetites. They’re also well known for using their adorable faces in eager attempts to get as many treats as they could want. It’s important that you not fall prey to their calculated efforts. Overweight and obese beagles will rest for longer duration than their more active brethren. Keep their food intake moderated and help them avoid health-related issues later down the line.

Beagle Sleeping Positions

Your beagle’s favorite sleeping position can vary based on location, who or what they are around, and how their mental state is.

How Long Do Beagles Sleep

On Their Side

Chances are your beagle is feeling pretty relaxed right about now, if they are snoozing on their side. He or she is feeling very safe and comfortable. After all, they are leaving their vital organs exposed. This position sometimes tickles me, because this is when you tend to see more of the “rabbit chases” (leg kicks and twitching) while they’re sleeping.

How Long Do Beagles Sleep

In A Ball

This is a defensive sleeping position used commonly in animals in the wild. It helps to protect their vital organs, conserve heat, and make it easier to get moving quickly, if necessary.

Now not to say that they are uncomfortable, as they just may just feel that much more comfortable sleeping in that position over others. You may want to keep in mind environmental factors that may be affecting them though.


You know this one. Front and back legs stretched out, stomach hugging the floor. Beagles that tend to sleep like this, tend to be on-the-ready, primed for the next playtime. This is also disproportionately used more by beagle puppies, as you could imagine.

How Long Do Beagles Sleep

Air Paws

This is another position, with their belly toward the sky, that clearly displays that they are very comfortable with exposing their vulnerabilities. In addition, it acts as a polar opposite to the conservation of heat for the “In The Ball” method, this one helps them cool themselves off too. The fur on the belly is thinner, in addition their paws hold their sweat glands; so it’s an ideal way to cool down.

How Long Do Beagles Sleep

Snuggled Up

How can you not love this one? This is when they are feeling warmly attached. They’ll either feel compelled to snuggle up to you or your other pets. Clearly they are incredibly relaxed with whomever they are snoozing with.

You may even find yourself going out of your way, just to snuggle up with your beagle. Cute.

Restful Sleep Tips For Your Beagle

Logically our beagles can’t tell us everything that they want and need, but this short list will keep you in their good graces.


  • Give Them Their Own Dedicated Space:  Regardless if it’s their dog bed, their crate, etc; make sure it is clean, cozy and quiet for them.
  • Make Them A Creature Of Habit: Routine makes them feel that much more comfortable and acclimated to their surroundings.
  • They Are What They Eat: Depending on what stage of life your beagle or even if they have dietary or allergic restrictions, find a suitable dog food for them is of utmost importance. That is — if you buy premade food. If you’re more adventurous, we’ve discussed more about beagle nutrition and food options here:  Beagle Food: A Culinary Guide
  • Exercise Makes The Heart Grow Stronger: Beagles are a high-energy breed. They are use to hunting, so their endurance is incredibly strong. If your beagle is a fully developed adult, make sure they get at least 30 minutes daily, excluding bathroom breaks. Both exercise and play will not only do wonders for their physical and mental well-being, it will help improve their sleep quality.
  • Overall Health: Sleep patterns can be greatly affected by physical or mental health-related issues. If you notice a marked difference in their quality or duration of sleep, consult with your veterinarian. It can’t hurt. If you want a list of items that have made both our beagles’ and our lives that much happier/healthier, we’ve created a recommended products list here.

Beagle Sleeping Behaviors

All of these behaviors discussed next are common. However, if any become excessive or make you question something there may be something deeper going on, and we’d encourage you reaching out to your veterinarian ASAP. Better safe than sorry.

Circles & Digs

I’m sure you’ve observed when your beagle will do that circling behavior before they go to lay down. Don’t be thrown though: They can do something similar when they’re about to leave a gift on your hardwood floor. You’ll be able to detect the difference. The latter one comes with a sense of urgency they exhibit.

This circling and digging comes from their non-domesticated brethren, that take the same actions to ensure that they are comfortable. The digging aspect specifically is instinctual to digging a hole to stay cooler in the summer or warmer in the winter.

Light Snooze

Older beagle puppies + beagle adults are very prone to this. It’s almost like they’re keeping their bodies on standby, just in case something captures their attention.

For my beagle specifically, he tends to get the “zoomies” frequently, if he’s just waking up from this. Watching him running around aimlessly, puts a huge smile on my face.

Barking & Wagging & Twitching, Oh My!

I’d be surprised if you’ve never observed your beagle, or any dog for that matter, doing this. No worries though: those random kicks, tail wags, twitches, and occasional sounds are typical during the REM phase of sleep, which is also the deepest. It’s indicative that they are getting an immersive and recuperative sleep.


Just like us. They can have bad dreams too. Fortunately, I don’t remember most of mine.

But getting back to the topic: If you notice a marked increase of “stressed” behavior while they’re sleeping, feel free to soothingly call them in a warm tone, while lightly brushing them with your fingers.

They may stay awake after your light-hearted intervention, or they may simply slip right back into more pleasant dreams. Either way, I’m sure they’re thanking you.


If their twitching seems “over-the-top”, it could be indicative of something that much more serious.

If while you’re calling them in a warm tone and lightly brushing them with your fingers; they don’t wake up and continue to seize — this is what you should do:

  • Clear Space. Ensure that there are nothing in the immediate environment that could injure them. It also helps if you can make it as quiet as possible. If needed, block nearby stairs.
  • Remain Calm. Let the seizure occur but closely monitor it. Beagles can become very anxious and even become temporarily blind following  a seizure. With that being said, they will likely be unaware of their surroundings during and after it. One particular line item I have to state: Do not attempt to hold or restrain your beagle during their seizure. I completely understand and respect that you instinctively want to comfort them, but by doing so you put them at risk of serious injury.
  • Record The Experience. This is irrefutable evidence detailing what had occurred during the experience, that you can present to their veterinarian. This is truly invaluable in pursuit of answers to your questions. One of them I’m sure is:

Does My Beagle Require Immediate Veterinary Care?

Is this their first-ever seizure? If so or you are unsure, I would at least phone your veterinarian. A trip to the emergency clinic may not be necessary, but I wouldn’t rule it out necessarily either.

Two scenarios come to mind that would require immediate veterinary care in order to stabilize your beloved pooch though:

Status Epilepticus: a seizure lasting over 5 minutes.

Cluster Seizures:  multiple seizures occurring within 24 hours of each other.

Final Thoughts

There are definite parallels between beagles and us regarding our sleeping patterns. With that being said, our pupsters need more rest and relaxation to stay at the top of their game.  The other thing I’d like to reiterate if you see any marked difference in their sleeping patterns, consult your veterinarian — just to play it on the safe side.

Take care, friends.