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Beagle Shivering: The Common Sources


Beagle Shivering


Just like us humans, our beagles want a good shake at life. Well, beagle shivering takes this to a whole different level. Let’s discuss what issues may cause this to arise.


The Positive Causes


They’re Soaking Wet

Taylor Swift had it right when she was telling everyone to “Shake It Off”.
Well, beagles apparently subscribe to that same principle.
Shaking off excess water will surprisingly remove up to 70% of the water from their fur — and onto you and your floors. This is instinctive as it helps prevent hypothermia, by eliminating water lingering on their body.

A simple way to avoid this inconvenience: Keep an extra towel around, not only for when they’ve been bathed or swam but also when they have just got in from a rainy day. Keep it near the door and grab them before they decide to the infamous shake. Don’t forget the paws too. Unless you potentially want tracks left around your house.


They’re Excited

Tell me you haven’t seen this before. It’s when your beagle is seemingly grasping onto every word of yours during a game of fetch or other strenuous activity, and they start shaking like a teenager after a six-pack of Red Bull. Yes, it may seem a little out of place, but no worries I assure you. They use this as a way to moderate their excess energy.
They feed off of our energies. If we show physical displays of excitement, they will likely respond in kind. If you find that they are getting overly zealous, ignore their hyperactivity and reward them when they calming down.


They’re Bright

Beagle shivering is an attention grabber.

Affection is something that all beagles crave. Don’t we all?
Very observant ones will notice that if they shake, their humans will likely offer to comfort and soothe them with seemingly endless belly rubs, attention, and love.

Granted, this is indicative of how intelligent they are (we like that).
However, it’s also a sign that they are quite manipulative (we don’t like that).

Providing love and affection through petting should only be reinforcing a calm beagle, not a manipulative one. Trust me, once they realize there is no reward for their aberrant, manipulative behavior, they’ll get the hint.


Beagle Shivering


The Negative Causes

They’re Hot or Cold

Did you know that a beagle’s average temperature is between 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit?

Just like their human counterparts, when the mercury drops enough outside, they run the greater risk of being cold. This isn’t of a particular concern unless they’re exposed to the cold or freezing conditions for an extended period — which you won’t let happen to them anyway. Right? Right.

If you live in a colder climate, you may consider getting your beagle a sweater or coat. I even have a friend of mine who bought their beagle a Christmas sweater last year. Remember: They will need protection on their paws, as well. If you think your beagle could use something to help bundle them up comfortably, along with many other items that may help: check out our extensive recommendations list of items we’ve used with our beagles over time. It is located here.

On the flip side of the coin: if your beagle is too warm, they could be suffering from an infection or heat stroke. Fever often goes hand-in-hand with an infection, therefore they’d have an elevated temperature. If it’s above 102.5 Fahrenheit, your beagle has a fever.


They’re Hypoglycemic

If your beagle’s blood sugar level is low, that can often cause shivering. You can usually normalize their glucose levels by feeding them, albeit maybe temporarily.

Interestingly, if you rub some honey on their gums, that can increase their glucose levels even more rapidly.

Just bear in mind: hypoglycemia can be a symptom of something even more severe.

They’re In Pain or Sick

In the article posted immediately before this one, I remember touching on briefly about my bout with the flu. When I was shivering all the time, not necessarily because I was cold, but because my sickness made me feel like I was.

The same applies here for your beloved beagle shivering. Shaking may be a prominently visible symptom that your beagle is exhibiting to tell you that something is indeed wrong. If you notice they are acting strangely in addition to exhibiting this symptom, it is their best interest to get them to their veterinarian as soon as possible.

They’ve Gone Viral

No, I’m not meaning they’ve become the latest social media sensation. Viruses such as distemper can also cause tremors and seizures. Beagles puppies and adolescent beagles that haven’t been vaccinated are at the greatest risk.

Speaking specifically about distemper: There is no cure, but your veterinarian can regulate the symptoms and prevent a secondary infection until your beagle’s immunity has improved enough to fight off the infection. Treatment may include antibiotics, bronchodilators, physical therapy, and intravenous fluids to manage hydration.


Beagle Shivering

They’ve Eaten Something

Beagle shivering can be brought on by poisons or toxins. It doesn’t even have to be something that you’d normally associate as being non-toxic. But remember, dogs and people are not the same. Some items that are toxic to beagles include cigarette smoke, chocolate, and xylitol; the sugar substitute in many chewing gums.

Other signs associated with poisoning that you’ll want to look out for in your beagle is depression, diarrhea, disorientation, drooling, seizures, vomiting,  and weakness.

They’ve Got GTS

I know, GTS sounds like an uber-popular racing game, however, it’s not. It stands for Generalized Tremor Syndrome and unfortunately its cause is unknown.

Between the ages of 9 months and 2 years of age, your beagle’s symptoms would typically begin exhibiting if they have this issue. Treatment usually encompasses the use of corticosteroids. Luckily, the results of the treatment are often seen within a week of commencement.

They’ve Got Seizures

A seizure can be initiated by brain tumors, epilepsy, drug overdose, allergies, etc. Seizures do not last more than 5 minutes. However, if you’re unfamiliar with what the cause is in your beagle, you’ll want to take them to the vet.

They’re Stressed Out

Trips to the vet, fireworks, riding in a vehicle, so on and so forth; can all have bearing on if your beagle is stressed. Some seem relatively unfazed by much, but some act like they’re swimming in an ocean with no land in sight. Hell, even I’d be stressed out in that latter situation. But I’ll tell you this, I’d be wearing a life preserver.
Stress can develop over time if enough negative experiences associated with a specific activity. You may even notice them engaging in other negative behaviors, such as chewing furniture if they’re markedly stressed.
Fortunately, most beagles’ anxiety can be alleviated through calculated instruction. If that seems like it may not be working, you can always talk to your veterinarian to look into other viable options.

They’re Getting Older

It happens to all of us. We all get older.
The tremors they’re experiencing may very well be age-induced.
However, it may be caused by pain caused by health issues, such as arthritis or hip dysplasia.
Again, if you notice other signs that indicate that something deeper may be going on, I’d be getting to that vet again.

They’re In Shock

A significant trauma such as a car accident or even disease can induce an episode of shock. Signs of a beagle in shock are cool-to-the-touch limbs, a racing pulse, pale gums, and general weakness.

In this circumstance, you need to get them to a veterinarian immediately.

Final Thoughts

Your beagle will shimmy and shake in the good times and the bad. The key is to be cognizant and proactive of beagle shivering, during all of these times to ensure their optimal health.


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